all postcodes in PO34 / SEAVIEW

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO34 5AA 4 0 50.71952 -1.112172
PO34 5AB 38 0 50.719729 -1.113514
PO34 5AD 22 1 50.719889 -1.114503
PO34 5AE 6 0 50.720256 -1.115417
PO34 5AF 2 0 50.720939 -1.115746
PO34 5AG 1 0 50.720481 -1.115798
PO34 5AH 16 0 50.72145 -1.115153
PO34 5AJ 69 0 50.722541 -1.118195
PO34 5AL 17 0 50.722893 -1.122876
PO34 5AN 18 0 50.723894 -1.123268
PO34 5AP 21 1 50.721536 -1.124476
PO34 5AQ 2 1 50.72028 -1.116595
PO34 5AR 5 3 50.724878 -1.128576
PO34 5AS 34 0 50.719314 -1.116018
PO34 5AU 5 0 50.72229 -1.116824
PO34 5AW 12 1 50.724441 -1.125482
PO34 5AX 14 0 50.717736 -1.109631
PO34 5AY 12 0 50.718568 -1.109048
PO34 5AZ 15 0 50.718347 -1.110696
PO34 5BA 25 1 50.719825 -1.110807